Dec 1, 2013

C# Load Values To ComboBox From A Database

//you will need the my previous post . which i have explained about the DC Connection..
// I will call tht function and and connect the database;

public void setSPCombo()  //ComboBox Load Functions
            DBConnection connection = new DBConnection();//make a object from the class DB Connection
            SqlConnection con = connection.ConnectDB();
            SqlCommand command = con.CreateCommand(); //creates a command with connection
 command.CommandText = "SELECT ColumnName From TableName ORDER  BY (ColumnName)";
//use order by if u want to order it in a-z format or 1-9 formats.

            SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); // u have to execute through a reader..

            comboname.Items.Clear(); //Fist clear the combobox because we dont want old the values
            comboname.Items.Add("Select"); //write a default vale and set it .
            comboname.SelectedIndex = 0;

            while (reader.Read())//read until the end of reader and add all the result rows to the combo

            reader.Close(); // close the reader and con..we dont wont trouble later

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