This Example Shows How To Get The English Text For A Number.This Can Be Used To Convert A Numeric Currency To English Sentence.
By Passing A Number To This Method You Can Get The Text For The Number You Passed
public static string ConvertMoneyToText(string value)//---Convert Currency To Word---
value = value.Replace(",", "").Replace("$", "");
int decimalCount = 0;
int Val = value.Length - 1;
for (int x = 0; x <= Val; x++)
char Val2 = value[x];
if (Val2.ToString() == ".")
if (decimalCount > 1)
throw new ArgumentException("Only monetary values are accepted");
Val2 = value[x];
char Valtemp = value[x];
if (!(char.IsDigit(value[x]) | (Val2.ToString() == ".")) & !((x == 0) & (Valtemp.ToString() == "-")))
throw new ArgumentException("Only monetary values are accepted");
string returnValue = "";
string[] parts;
if (value.Contains("."))
parts = value.Split(new char[] { '.' });
parts = (value + ".00").Split(new char[] { '.' });
parts[1] = new string((parts[1] + "00").Substring(0, 2).ToCharArray());
bool IsNegative = parts[0].Contains("-");
if (parts[0].Replace("-", "").Length > 0x12)
throw new ArgumentException("Maximum value is $999,999,999,999,999,999.99");
if (IsNegative)
parts[0] = parts[0].Replace("-", "");
returnValue = returnValue + "Minus ";
if (parts[0].Length > 15)
returnValue = returnValue + HundredsText(parts[0].PadLeft(0x12, '0').Substring(0, 3)) + "Quadrillion ";
if (parts[0].PadLeft(0x12, '0').Substring(3, 3) != "000")
returnValue = returnValue + HundredsText(parts[0].PadLeft(0x12, '0').Substring(3, 3)) + "Trillion ";
if (parts[0].PadLeft(0x12, '0').Substring(6, 3) != "000")
returnValue = returnValue + HundredsText(parts[0].PadLeft(0x12, '0').Substring(6, 3)) + "Billion ";
if (parts[0].PadLeft(0x12, '0').Substring(9, 3) != "000")
returnValue = returnValue + HundredsText(parts[0].PadLeft(0x12, '0').Substring(9, 3)) + "Million ";
if (parts[0].PadLeft(0x12, '0').Substring(12, 3) != "000")
returnValue = returnValue + HundredsText(parts[0].PadLeft(0x12, '0').Substring(12, 3)) + "Thousand ";
else if (parts[0].Length > 12)
returnValue = returnValue + HundredsText(parts[0].PadLeft(15, '0').Substring(0, 3)) + "Trillion ";
if (parts[0].PadLeft(15, '0').Substring(3, 3) != "000")
returnValue = returnValue + HundredsText(parts[0].PadLeft(15, '0').Substring(3, 3)) + "Billion ";
if (parts[0].PadLeft(15, '0').Substring(6, 3) != "000")
returnValue = returnValue + HundredsText(parts[0].PadLeft(15, '0').Substring(6, 3)) + "Million ";
if (parts[0].PadLeft(15, '0').Substring(9, 3) != "000")
returnValue = returnValue + HundredsText(parts[0].PadLeft(15, '0').Substring(9, 3)) + "Thousand ";
else if (parts[0].Length > 9)
returnValue = returnValue + HundredsText(parts[0].PadLeft(12, '0').Substring(0, 3)) + "Billion ";
if (parts[0].PadLeft(12, '0').Substring(3, 3) != "000")
returnValue = returnValue + HundredsText(parts[0].PadLeft(12, '0').Substring(3, 3)) + "Million ";
if (parts[0].PadLeft(12, '0').Substring(3, 3) != "000")
returnValue = returnValue + HundredsText(parts[0].PadLeft(12, '0').Substring(6, 3)) + "Thousand ";
else if (parts[0].Length > 6)
returnValue = returnValue + HundredsText(parts[0].PadLeft(9, '0').Substring(0, 3)) + "Million ";
if (parts[0].PadLeft(9, '0').Substring(0, 3) != "000")
returnValue = returnValue + HundredsText(parts[0].PadLeft(9, '0').Substring(3, 3)) + "Thousand ";
else if (parts[0].Length > 3)
returnValue = returnValue + HundredsText(parts[0].PadLeft(6, '0').Substring(0, 3)) + "Thousand ";
string hundreds = parts[0].PadLeft(3, '0');
int tempInt = 0;
hundreds = hundreds.Substring(hundreds.Length - 3, 3);
if (int.TryParse(hundreds, out tempInt) == true)
returnValue = returnValue + HundredsText(hundreds) + "Rupee";
if (int.Parse(hundreds) != 1)
returnValue = returnValue + "s";
if (int.Parse(parts[1]) != 0)
returnValue = returnValue + " and ";
if ((parts.Length == 2) && (int.Parse(parts[1]) != 0))
returnValue = returnValue + HundredsText(parts[1].PadLeft(3, '0')) + "Cent";
if (int.Parse(parts[1]) != 1)
returnValue = returnValue + "s";
return returnValue;
private static string HundredsText(string value)
char Val_1;
char Val_2;
string returnValue = "";
bool IsSingleDigit = true;
char Val = value[0];
if (int.Parse(Val.ToString()) != 0)
Val_1 = value[0];
returnValue = returnValue + Ones[int.Parse(Val_1.ToString()) - 1] + " Hundred ";
IsSingleDigit = false;
Val_1 = value[1];
if (int.Parse(Val_1.ToString()) > 1)
Val = value[1];
returnValue = returnValue + Tens[int.Parse(Val.ToString()) - 1] + " ";
Val_1 = value[2];
if (int.Parse(Val_1.ToString()) != 0)
Val = value[2];
returnValue = returnValue + Ones[int.Parse(Val.ToString()) - 1] + " ";
return returnValue;
Val_1 = value[1];
if (int.Parse(Val_1.ToString()) == 1)
Val = value[1];
Val_2 = value[2];
return (returnValue + Ones[int.Parse(Val.ToString() + Val_2.ToString()) - 1] + " ");
Val_2 = value[2];
if (int.Parse(Val_2.ToString()) == 0)
return returnValue;
if (!IsSingleDigit)
returnValue = returnValue + "and ";
Val_2 = value[2];
return (returnValue + Ones[int.Parse(Val_2.ToString()) - 1] + " ");
static string[] Tens = new string[] {
"Ninety" };
static string[] Ones = new string[] {
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